Dedicated Proxies with Static IPs
Reliable, Unmetered, Fast
Dedicated Proxy vs Shared vs Free Proxy
Dedicated proxies are the next proxy upgrade after using shared and free proxies while trying to protect your privacy on the internet. Most of you got here after getting frustrated by extremely low speeds and low availability of the free proxies and/or getting tired of your shared proxy being identified and tagged by search engines or other monitors on the web.
Exclusive Proxy
Our dedicated proxies will put an end on those issues, the IPs of the proxies we provide are uniquely assigned to your account for as long as you need them to. No one else will be able to use the specific proxy IP you are assigned for as long as the proxy is assigned to you. Access to the proxy is restricted by either username/password or IP authentication and the proxies are available 24/7 with a monthly average uptime of 99.98%.
WorldWide Locations Available
Get your Dedicated Proxy Subscription

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